Cosmic Coaching
Astrological Life Coaching

Alice:  “Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?”

The Cheshire Cat:  “That depends a good deal on where you want to get to.” 

-Alice in Wonderland, Lewis Carroll

People come to cosmic/life coaching because they’re ready for change, which may be quite specific (career, home, relationship) or quite elusive (lack of focus, restlessness, dissatisfaction, vague longings).  Astrology can help you sort through the clutter and noise in your life in order to get to the source of the matter.

Your natal chart helps you to understand who you truly are – maybe for the first time – opening to the possibility of a clear path forward.  Once you have the basic understanding of your natal chart – who you were born to be – we will focus on your goals and questions to formulate practical steps for moving into the change you desire.

Cosmic (life) coaching is done over the course of four sessions, spaced two weeks apart.  Session one is an overview of your natal chart.  From there, the focus of subsequent sessions is mutually decided.  “Homework” is optional, but highly recommended for maximum results.

It’s your ride, so you will choose the direction.  I will provide the roadside assistance!

1st session, 60 Minutes (natal chart reading)
Three Subsequent Sessions, 45 minutes each
$350 (payment of series required at the time you schedule your 1st session)